Big Brother Australia will not return to Australian television screens in 2024 after the franchise’s worst ratings for its most recent season, according to reports.
Channel 7 has not made any official announcements about the future of the series but TVBlackbox reported Tuesday that the show will not return this year despite an announcement at last year’s Upfronts.
Ratings for the show suffered for its 2023 run, with the broadcaster moving Big Brother Australia from its 7:30pm timeslot on the main channel after only a week on air to a later timeslot.
The show averaged a franchise-low 152,000 overnight viewers in the five capital cities for the finale of season 15. Fans took to social media to express their disappointment in the dating show angle, dubbed “House of Love”.
After the success of Big Brother UK returning in 2023, Channel 7 bosses have expressed interesting in returning the show in 2025 with a live format.
“It’s certainly something we would consider going forward,” Channel 7 head programmer Angus Ross told the publication early last year.