(Fwrd Axis) — Big Brother Australia continued on Wednesday night with the second chance challenge and the fight to survive got downright nasty in the eviction room.
The episode kicked off following the house nominations. Dave and Tim have a heart to heart about their blow-up earlier and seemingly have moved past their tiff but in the Diary Room, Tim admits that he was pulling the strings to get Tully up, putting the blame on Dave.
Meanwhile, Jules chose Tim and Lulu to go into Big Brother’s panic room. For the task, all Tim and Lulu had to do was put up a tent…in the dark. Things weren’t made easy with wind and “bugs” being thrown their way. It was practically impossible and it was no surprise when Big Brother announced the pair had failed the task.
For their punishment, Big Brother linked three housemates together in “three shirts” and this gave Tully the chance to come out about her and Drew’s breakup during their season in 2013. From how she described it, she seems to be in a really good place.
Remind us not to call Lulu in a camping crisis 😂 #BBAU pic.twitter.com/Rwky9aIE30
— Big Brother AU (@BigBrotherAU) June 1, 2022
With the second chance challenge looming, Tim’s target is Sam, and wants to ensure she goes home. He gives her a pep talk while Alesha is hoping to have Dave lose the challenge and rally the newbies to get another OG out.
For the second chance challenge, the housemates had to climb a ladder and throw five balls into a container while taking a leap of faith. In the end, Dave easily secured all five balls to win the challenge and save himself from eviction.
Sam was freaking out after losing the challenge, claiming she’s “put in the work” to stay in the house while Lulu has done nothing to earn her spot to stay in the house. Sam begins to cry, telling the newbies they are all playing Tim’s game and offending Gabbie by saying she is jealous of her.
Host Sonia Kruger returned to get the eviction proceedings started. Things got nasty in the eviction room as Sam and Tim accused each other of playing the game in a nasty way. However, in the end, Sonia announced Lulu had been evicted with seven votes.
Big Brother Australia continues on Monday at 7.30pm on Channel 7 and 7 Plus.