The sophomore season of Stargirl continued on The CW Tuesday night with Courtney becoming green with envy after Jennie’s arrival and Eclipso claiming his first victim.
The episode begins with a flashback to six days ago when Jennie “aged out” of the Milwaukee group home where she had been living. As a parting/birthday gift, she was given an old lozenge tin, which contained a toy car and her father’s Green Lantern ring.
Back to the present and Courtney is suspicious of Jennie after just destroying her home in a fight with the teen girl over the lantern. Jennie introduced herself to Courtney’s entire family and explains that the lantern belongs to her because she is Alan Scott’s daughter.
Over the course of the episode, Courtney becomes jealous. She wakes up to find her family raving about the pancakes Jennie made and eventually her friends start to befriend Jennie, making Courtney feel even worse.
After a talk with Pat, Courtney realizes just how much she and Jennie have in common. However, Jennie gets upset when Courtney mentions she “has everything” but is missing her brother. She knocks the lantern off the table in anger, which causes it to swell with light.
The kids take the lantern to the park and Courtney talks Jennie into controlling her emotions and letting the lantern overcome her. The lantern explodes and knocks everyone to their feet but Jennie is now able to fly amid green energy.
Elsewhere in the episode, Pat tracks down Richard Swift, a dashing Brit who is new in town. Barbara is wary of him and lets her husband investigate and he discovers The Shade has returned to Blue Valley.
The episode ends with Eclipso taking over Cindy’s body to kill her mother, who was going to kill Cindy after being manipulated by Eclipso. After realizing what had happened, Cindy tells the evil villain to not overpower her again or she will put him back in the box where he came from.
Stargirl airs Tuesdays at 8/7c on The CW.