Politics Obama Rallies Democrats For Biden In Visit To Miami Obama: “If you bring Florida home, this thing’s over.” Stephen AndersonOctober 24, 2020
Politics Five Key Moments From The Final Presidential Debate Trump and Biden face off for the final time with 12 days until Election Day Stephen AndersonOctober 22, 2020
COVID-19 Remdesivir To Become First Covid-19 Treatment to Recieve Approval From FDA The drug has become the first to be approved by FDA for the treatment of coronavirus. Stephen AndersonOctober 22, 2020
World News Ghislaine Maxwell Transcripts Reveal She “Never Saw” Jeffrey Epstein Having Sex With A Minor Maxwell said she never saw "inappropriate underage activities" in a 2016 testimony Stephen AndersonOctober 22, 2020
Politics Biden To Form Bipartisan Commission To Look At Changes To Supreme Court If Elected The former Vice President says the current system is “out of whack” Stephen AndersonOctober 22, 2020
Politics Obama Delivers Most Blistering Speech On Trump Yet In Return To Campaign Trail The former President says Americans are “numb” to Trump’s lies. Stephen AndersonOctober 21, 2020
Politics FBI Says Russia and Iran Have Interfered in Presidential Election The Director of National Intelligence made the announcement late Wednesday night. Stephen AndersonOctober 21, 2020
Politics Joe Biden Blasts Trump For Attacks On Fauci The Democratic nominee says American people are “tired of lies” Stephen AndersonOctober 19, 2020
Politics Standout Moments From Thursday’s Biden and Trump Town Halls Biden commits to stance on court-packing, Trump refuses to say when last negative COVID test was. Stephen AndersonOctober 15, 2020
Politics Biden Campaign Lays Into New York Post, Responds To Accusations Campaign calls allegations made against Joe and Hunter Biden in the tabloid “Russian disinformation.” Stephen AndersonOctober 14, 2020