Big Brother VIP continued on Channel 7 Monday night with Thomas Markle Jr. writing his highly anticipated letter to his half-sister, Meghan, and a game-changing twist sending a fan favourite celebrity out of Big Brother’s hotel.
The episode kicked off with the fallout from Matt’s eviction. Dayne is unhappy with Luke for blindsiding Matt after he rallied the votes to save Thomas from eviction. Things got tense after Luke refused to tell Dayne he would play the game with honesty and integrity, saying that’s not how he played when he won Australian Survivor.
Big Brother set Luke a secret mission to get Thomas to write a letter to Megan and Prince Harry. After talking in the Diary Room, Thomas decided to pen the letter to his sister and her royal husband. In the letter, Thomas apologised for his previous letter to Meghan, which made world headlines before her wedding to Harry. He told Big Brother he feels writing it was a “huge weight lifted off his shoulders”.
For this week’s task, Big Brother held a ‘VIP event’ for the celebrities. One by one, the VIPs spoke about a photo that represented a significant time in their lives. For Imogen, her photo was about a runway show she did that got her through her anxiety. Meanwhile, Caitlyn’s story was her transition after winning the Olympic gold medal and not letting that iconic photo define her.
After the event, Big Brother threw a shocking twist at the VIPs. A snap eviction, which would result in one of them being sent home. Big Brother told the celebrities they will not leave the elevator until they can decide on who to send home. Danny was the obvious target since he was the newest person to enter the house but Caitlyn seemed more reserved to say if she wanted to stay.
Caitlyn cried when mentioning her reasoning for wanting to leave, saying she had to continue her political campaign in America. However, reports say she had it in her contract to be evicted from the game after just a week. The VIPs came to an agreement that Caitlyn would be evicted from the game and leave Big Brother’s hotel.
Before her departure, Big Brother gave Caitlyn the chance to award immunity to one VIP of her choice. That person would be safe from the next set of nominations and eviction.
Who will Caitlyn choose? Find out when Big Brother VIP continues on Tuesday night at 7.30 PM on Channel 7 and 7 Plus.