(Fwrd Axis) — Lord Sugar is back so is The Apprentice. This time his boardroom promises to be even more challenging than ever as 16 candidates began the process to become his next business partner and win a 50-50 investment worth £250,000.
Joining Lord Sugar in the boardroom is Baroness Karren Brady and series one winner Tim Campbell is filling in for Claude Littner, who suffered a horrific biking accident while the show was off-air.
The first task saw the candidates design a marketing campaign for a cruise line. They had to come up with the logo, social media post, and commercial to present to industry experts later. The boys struggled from the jump and argued non-stop while the women had a more practical but still somewhat odd approach.
The women named their cruise line “Boujee Cruises” with a pretty corporate-looking logo. The boys had a logo that resembled nothing about a cruise and that would be their downfall as Lord Sugar declared the women the winners of the first task.
Lord Sugar told the boys their logo was “the worst logo he had ever seen in his life” and considering he’s been doing this for over 15 years, that says a lot. The fighting began among the boys, giving Lord Sugar the case to fire every single one.
Following some arguing and intense discussion, project manager Akshay decided to bring Akeem and Harry back into the final boardroom. The final three plead their case and Harry didn’t help his case by proving the other’s point about him being disruptive.
“Harry, I really don’t like disruption, you say your mantra is if life doesn’t come knocking you build a door, but it is regretful Harry that I am about to show you exactly where that door is,” Lord Sugar said. So, Harry, it is with regret you’re fired.”
As he took his taxi home, Harry promised viewers have not seen the last of him.
“This isn’t the last you’ve seen of Harry that’s for sure,” he said. “You’ll see me again on the Fortune 500 UK’s richest people. Watch this space.”
The Apprentice airs Wednesdays at 9 PM GMT on BBC One in the U.K.