Big Brother continued on Thursday night with Britini D’Angelo becoming the first jury member of the season and a surprising HOH result that could upend the “Cookout” alliance.
The episode kicks off with the Power of Veto meeting. Kyland decided to use his veto on Claire and put Britini. Meanwhile, Alyssa declined to use her Veto. From there, the nominations were set in stone, leaving the houseguests to decide between Derek F. and Britini.
Host Julie Chen Moonves got the eviction proceedings started. After all the houseguests voted, she revealed Britini was evicted on a 7-1 vote, with Azah being the lone vote to keep her in the house.
After her eviction, Britini sat down with Julie for an interview and said she believes her being a threat is the reason she was set to the jury.
“I had a really good story,” she said. “If I would have got to the final two, they all were afraid to sit next to me because my story would have beaten them.”
The Head of Household competition was up next. The houseguests had to run a balance beam to get to the other side of the yard and hit a buzzer to clock their time. Alyssa came close but fell at the last minute, clocking a time of 27.04 seconds.
Sarah Beth clocked a time of 21.03 seconds and no one else came close, meaning she is the new HOH.
So does this mean Kyland gets two Head of Household terms in a row? With Ky protecting the cookout, it will be interesting to see if he will be able to keep them all safe this week.
Big Brother continues on Sunday night at 8/7c on CBS with Sarah Beth’s nominations and the next High Rollers twist. Will a houseguest win a prize to keep themselves safe?