Kyland is the week’s Head of Household on Big Brother but that does not mean he is in for an easy ride thanks to the High Rollers Room twist. With two nominees on the block, does that mean we are in for two Power of Vetos?
Wednesday’s episode kicks off following Kyland’s nominations of Claire and Derek F. Tiffany does not want her ally Claire on the block and she manages to manipulate Kyland into wanting to pull Claire off the block with the veto.
The veto players are drawn and joining Kyland, Claire, and Derek F in the competition is Azah, Britini, and Alyssa. The four Veto Derby winners make their predictions for who will win. This is important since several houseguests are being left in the dark about who Kyland is targeting. Derek F is putting on his best acting performance but even he doesn’t know who Kyland is targeting.
It is time for the Veto competition and it’s the BB classic OTEV (voiced by Arnold Schwarzenegger!!). It’s no surprise that Derek F is out first and Azah makes it so obvious she is throwing the competition, much to Tiffany’s displasure. It came down to Kyland and Alyssa competing, Kyland makes sure that Alyssa gets the win, ensuring he wins the second veto.
Kyland is sure he’s backdooring Britini this week but that upsets Derek F since he his working with her. However, it seems Kyland has made up his mind and gets his ally Sarah Beth to inform Britini of his decision. This sends Britini into panic mode and she begins to spiral out of control.
The episode ends with Britini in tears and her joker teammates comforting her in a group hug.
Will Britini rally to save herself or will she become the first member of the jury? Find out when Big Brother continues LIVE Thursday night at 8/7c on CBS with host Julie Chen-Moonves.