John Cena had some fun getting into his Peacemaker character at Monday’s premiere of “The Suicide Squad” in L.A.
Extra’s Rachel Lindsay caught up with Cena, who was in full costume. He told Rachel, “When am I ever going to have another chance to do something like this?”
John was ready to see the movie on the big screen, saying, “I’m happy that people feel comfortable and safe enough to come out and I’m certainly happy to enjoy it in the theater with a crowd.”
He went on, “We have some difficult circumstances in front of us,” adding, “Something I have learned over the last year and a half: Moments we can enjoy, we should enjoy.”
John will be taking his character to HBO Max, and said of the cast of “The Suicide Squad,” “Some of them you will see in the HBO Max show “Peacemaker”… I just want to see what people think of this, ‘cause when we were making it, we knew we were doing something a little different.”
The WWE Superstar just returned to the ring, so what does he think of Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson making a possible return?
Cena said, “I’d love it. First and foremost, I’m a WWE performer, but I’m also, at heart, a fan. I love The Rock, I love The Rock, and so do millions and millions of people. I think he would warm so many hearts if he came back.”
John said he can relate to Johnson, explaining, “If there is anyone that has a greater sense of empathy of what he is trying to accomplish… I am trying to juggle everything and I haven’t been back in three and a half years and… I’m one thirty-sixth as busy as he is. For him to still be thinking about that, I think that is really special and really coo. I know he knows the effect his return would have and I think that’s also really special.”
Smiling, John said, “I think you have to pay homage to those who paved the way, and without Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson, I wouldn’t be here in this goofy costume, so thanks.”
The Suicide Squad opens August 6!