Big Brother VIP continued on Tuesday night with Big Brother putting the VIP through a night of hell while Ellie and Dayne had revenge on their mind.
The episode began with the fallout from the fake double eviction of Ellie and Dayne. Big Brother takes the latest ‘evictees’ to his secret gym and tells Ellie and Dayne in order to earn a spot back in the game, they must keep on exercising until one of them taps out.
Back in the house, Big Brother set an emergency evacuation for the VIPs. As a result, they lost their celebrity VIP status and had to sleep outside in rather uncomfortable situations. Josh became very upset and was not happy his beauty sleep was being ruined.
As the task went on, the VIPs became much angrier. Big Brother conducted some interviews as to why they are worthy of their celebrity status. The housemates all opened their souls and as a result, the celebrities all earned their celebrity status back and won their house task, earning themselves a 5-star dinner.
At the five-star dinner, Big Brother revealed the truth that Ellie and Dayne are still in the game. Both will play against the house in a nominations challenge, if Ellie and Dayne win, they are safe. They will then decide who to evict but if the house wins, Ellie or Dayne will be evicted.
After the news bombshell, Imogen and Jessika went into a meltdown, realizing that their game could be screwed if Ellie comes back into the game. They went over the top and screamed so loud, it could be heard on the other side of Australia.
At the nominations challenge, the housemates had to assemble dominos on a track, hoping to knock over all the dominos to win the challenge. The stakes have never been higher, especially for the VIPs on little to no sleep.
With everyone frustrated, Josh completed his first run. Thomas, Jessika, and Luke all came up short on their runs and had to start over. Meanwhile, that gave Dayne time to get his stack complete to draw even. In the end, Thomas rebuilt his stack and won it for the VIPs, ensuring Dayne or Ellie would be evicted for good.
Luke went to work trying to keep Ellie in the game, thinking it will get him more protection in the final stage of the game. The only issue is the girls don’t trust Ellie and Josh wants her out because she’s a big threat in the game.
Host Sonia Kruger returned to get the proceedings started. When it came time to vote, the housemates decided