Big Brother continued on Sunday night with Tiffany’s Head of Household reign beginning and ending thanks to the final High Rollers Room twist shook up the nominations process for the final nine houseguests.
The episode kicked off following Tiffany’s HOH win. The house is wondering who will be put up and Tiffany has been obvious about wanting Sarah Beth out for weeks, so she’s planning on putting up Kyland along with SB. Kyland is okay with it since he knows he cannot protect Sarah Beth anymore.
Meanwhile, Hannah and Kyland are feeling guilty about sending Derek X home since they both were working closely with him but were also deceiving him at the same time due to the Cookout alliance. With Sarah Beth on the chopping block, she worked overtime to deflect Tiffany to target Alyssa by exposing an earlier conversation she had with her.
At the nomination ceremony, Tiffany went ahead with her nominations of Sarah Beth and Kyland with Xavier being the third nominee due to his punishment for winning last week’s Power of Veto competition.
However, the High Rollers Room could have undone all that. For the final challenge, the Coin of Destiny has the power to give the winner to overthrow the HOH and control nominations for the week. Derek F. had 425 BB Bucks to use and played but he threw the competition, scoring a one.
Claire was next and had 250 BB Bucks and decided to play. She earned a score of three, securing her secret HOH win. As the secret HOH, Claire stayed true to Tiffany’s wishes, re-nominating Sarah Beth and Kyland.
With three nominees and a secret HOH in power, the Veto is more important than ever. Who will win the Golden Power? Find out when Big Brother continues on Wednesday night at 8/7c on CBS.